Whatever next?
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Thank you for taking the time to fill in this form. It could affect the future of the Amiga.
Whatever next for the Amiga?
With the recent move to Gateway 2000, I have decided to start up a massive vote to be filled in by every Amigan possible. I will be sending the results of this vote to Gateway 2000 as soon as I have enough voters. Please take some time to fill in this form, but please, be sensible! :)
Personal details (all boxes optional) :
Your name :

Your e-mail address :

Your homepage URL :

Your IRC Nickname
All we need to know here is just your personal details, so we can add your name to the ever-increasing list of voters currently.

View voters list

What processor(s)?
(You can select more than one)

680x0 Motorola Series
PowerPC from Phase 5
Intel Pentium Processor
Choose processor(s) for the new Amiga, but bear in mind the price?
CD-ROM Speed
None 2 Speed
4 Speed 6 Speed
8 Speed 10 Speed
12 Speed Faster than 12x
Choose a speed for an internal CD-ROM Drive. If you don't think one should be included, please select None, instead of leaving this alone. Thank you.
Base memory (Megabytes) : - Base Memory in the Amiga?
Base Hard Drive
None 0-120 Mb
120-250 Mb 250-420 Mb
420-640 Mb 640-840 Mb
840 Mb - 1.0 Gb 1.0-1.7 Gb
1.7-2.1 Gb 2.1 Gb or more
If the Amiga doesn't need a Hard Drive, select None, otherwise select a size for the drive.
Internet Ready?
Yes No
Easily rephrased : Should a modem be included?
Base 680x0 Series CPU
Newer, faster model

What MC680x0 CPU should be the standard entry level?
Yes No
Bung the lot in a tower?
Extra stuff not mentioned above :
CyberGraphics 64
Fast Serial Port
Monitor as standard
Any of these standard in the machine?

What should be included?
(Apart from games)

Word Processor
Desk Top Publishing
ASCII Editor
Music Tracker
Paint Package
Comms / Networking
What should we include on the productivity side?
PLEASE BE SPECIFIC WITH YOUR SELECTIONS HERE : List three games you want to see included ;

And now, the three utilities;

Three of each you'd like to see included in the release pack of the next Amiga.

What do you like most about the Amiga?

Do you think all future releases should be CD-ROM only?
Yes No

Can Gateway2000 save the Amiga?
Yes No

Just something to make the form look big really :)

Any general comments you'd like to make :

Thank you for filling the form. It will be of a great help.
And thanks to David Flaherty for including a link,
and CU Amiga Magazine for printing my letter about this form.
Member of the Amiga Web Network
Member of the Amiga Web Network